Modeling, simulations and control of flexible demand‐response swegrids-logo

SweGRIDS research area INSTINCT
SweGRIDS project code IT8
Project type Licentiate
Status completed
Researcher Daniel A. Brodén   (webpage)
University KTH (EPE)
Project period 2014-03-01 to 2017-1x   
Project supervisor Lars Nordström   (webpage)
Industrial sponsors Vattenfall

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Project abstract

This project deals with modeling, simulations and control of flexible demand-response resources. The flexible demand-response resources being studied are primarily heating and cooling systems in detached houses and office buildings. In this project the simulations performed are mostly applied to the electricity market, such as minimizing the costs of a market actor.

Summary of work


Event log

2016. Organized an IEA Demand Side Management meeting in Stockholm with field experts from various countries.

2016. Visited Linz, Austria for a an IEA Demand Side Management expert meeting and participated at a Smart Grid Conference there

Project reference-group

Fredrik Carlsson,  Vattenfall
Claes Sandels,  SP (RISE)
Gaëlle Ryckebusch,  Vattenfall
Jonas Persson,  Vattenfall
Lars Nordström,  KTH

MSc etc theses connected to the project

2016. Bachelor thesis which lead to interesting insights about the segmentation of end-user profiles based on smart-meter data

2016. Two master theses in collaboration with Vattenfall leading to a publication on the topic and possibilities for future research on one of the topics:
"Economic Impact Assessment of using Congestion Management Methods to enable increased Wind Power Integration on Gotland" (link) and
"Modeling, Simulations and Analysis of a Demand-Side Management Pilot Project" (link).

Publications by this researcher

See alternatively the researcher's full DiVA list of publications, with options for sorting.
Publications in journals and conferences usually will not show until a while after they are published.

Modeling and Simulations of Demand Response in Sweden
Daniel A. Brodén.
2017,   Thesis (Licentiate), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EE 2017:148

Strategies to improve the voltage quality in active low-voltage distribution networks using DSO's assets
Mikel Armendariz,   Davood Babazadeh,   Daniel Brodén,   Lars Nordström.
2017,   IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 11(1)

MATLAB Applications to Generate Synthetic Electricity Load Profiles of Office Buildings and Detached Houses
Daniel Brodén,   Kaveh Paridari,   Lars Nordström.
2017,   Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia

Roles and Potentials of Flexible Consumers and Prosumers : Demand Flexibility in Households and Buildings
Matthias Stifter,   René Kamphuis,   Matthias Galus,   Marijn Renting,   Arnoud Rijneveld,   Roman Targosz,   Steve Widergren,   Lars Nordström,   Daniel Brodén,   Tara Esterl,   Stephanie Kaser,   Pekka Koponen,   Stephen Galsworthy,   Werner Friedl,   Suryanarayana Doolla.

Pilot Studies and Best Practices : Demand Flexibility in Households and Buildings
Matthias Stifter,   René Kamphuis,   Matthias Galus,   Marijn Renting,   Arnoud Rijneveld,   Roman Targosz,   Steve Widergren,   Lars Nordström,   Daniel Brodén,   Tara Esterl,   Stephen Galsworthy,   Pekka Koponen,   Suryanarayana Doolla.

Conclusions and Recommendations : Demand Flexibility in Households and Buildings
Matthias Stifter,   René Kamphuis,   Matthias Galus,   Marijn Renting,   Arnoud Rijneveld,   Roman Targosz,   Steve Widergren,   Lars Nordström,   Daniel Brodén,   Tara Esterl,   Stephanie Kaser,   Stephen Galsworthy,   Suryanarayana Doolla.

Valuation Analysis of Residential Demand Side Flexibility : Analysis of business cases and existing valuation frameworks
Tara Esterl,   Stefanie Kaser,   Matthias Stifter,   René Kamphuis,   Matthias Galus,   Marijn Renting,   Arnoud Rijneveld,   Roman Targosz,   Steve Widergren,   Lars Nordström,   Daniel Brodén,   Stephen Galsworthy.

Economic Simulations of the Participation of Virtual Power Plants on the Swiss Balancing Market
Romain Bourdette,   Daniel Brodén.
2016,   2016 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT Europe 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9 October 2016 through 12 October 2016

Economic Impact Assessment of using Congestion Management Methods to enable increased Wind Power Integration on Gotland, Sweden
Vincent Gliniewicz,   Gaëlle Ryckebusch,   Daniel Brodén.
2016,   International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants

Modeling Office Building Consumer Load with a Combined Physical and Behavioral Approach : Simulation and Validation
Claes Sandels,   Daniel Brodén,   Joakim Widén,   Lars Nordström,   Enar Andersson.
2015,   Applied Energy, vol. 162

Assessment of Congestion Management Potential in Distribution Networks using Demand-Response and Battery Energy Storage
Daniel Brodén,   Claes Sandels,   Lars Nordström.
2015,   Innovative Smart Grid Technologies,February 17-20, 2015 Washington D.C., USA

Analysis of demand-response participation strategies for congestion management in an island distribution network
Gaëlle Ryckebusch,   Daniel Brodén,   Erica Lidström,   Lars Nordström.
2015,   CIRED 2015, 23rd International Conference on electricity Distribution, Lyon, 15-18 Juni 2015

A Method to Identify Exposed Nodes in Low Voltage Distribution Grids with High PV Penetration
Mikel Armendariz,   Daniel Brodén,   Nicholas Honeth,   Lars Nordström.
2015,   Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2015 IEEE

Analysis of Demand Response Solutions for Congestion Management in Distribution Networks
Daniel Brodén.

Publication list last updated from DiVA on 2024-08-22 22:58.

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Page started: 2016-12-01
Last generated: 2024-08-22