Active Low Voltage Networks |
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SweGRIDS research area | INSTINCT |
SweGRIDS project code | IT2 |
Project type | PhD |
Status | completed |
Researcher | Mikel Armendariz (webpage) |
University | KTH (EPE) |
Project period | 2012-11-01 to 2017-12 |
Project supervisor | Lars Nordström (webpage) |
Industrial sponsors | Vattenfall |
Project abstract
The monitoring and control of low voltage distribution grids has historically been disregarded due to the unidirectional flow of power. However, nowadays the massive integration of distributed energy resources into distribution grids, such as solar photovoltaics, distributed storage, electric vehicles and demand response programs, presents some challenges. For instance, the unidirectional top-down power flow is being replaced by power flows in any direction: top-down and bottom-up. This paradigm shift adds extra regulatory, economic, and technical complexity for the Distribution System Operators (DSO). Thus to overcome the possible operational constraints, thermal limits, or voltage problems in the grid, an update of the existing electricity infrastructures is required. In response to this new situation, this thesis investigates the cost-effective communication and control architectures that are required for active low voltage grid monitoring and control applications, considering the regulatory constraints and the efficient utilization of the assets from a DSO’s perspective.
The solutions include: i) optimal sensor placement configuration to perform low voltage state estimation, ii) optimal metering infrastructure designs for active low voltage monitoring applications, iii) coordinated control strategies to allow the integration of microgrid-like structures into the distribution grids, iv) optimal placement of actuators for operating the control strategies, v) a multiagent-based control solution for self-healing and feeder reconfiguration applications, and vi) a framework model and simulations to assess the reliability of the ICT infrastructure that enables the monitoring and control applications. As concluding remark, since the deployment of technology at low voltage grids is restricted to assets owned by the DSO, the operability of the grid is limited. This condition makes it so that the required communication and control enhancement solutions shall prioritize cost-effectiveness over comprehensiveness and complexity. Thus, the results from the presented studies show that it is essential to perform thorough cost-benefit analyses of the potential improvement solutions for each grid, because this will allow deploying the right technology only at the necessary locations.
Summary of work
Development of algorithm for detection of nodes at risk in a LV grid exposed to high levels of penetration of renewables. Development of algorithm for optmised data collection infrastructure for msart meter data, enabling choice of wireless or PLC communication. Development of simulation toolbox interface allowing import of CIM XML based datafiles to Matpower simulator. Initial development of MPC based controller for LV grids with high levels of penetration of renewables
2016. Two journal papers and two conference papers have been submitted and accepted. These cover subjects of meter-placement, voltage-quality and reliability analysis.
2017. Two journal papers have been submitted and accepted. These cover subjects of control strategies to allow the integration of microgrid-like structures into the distribution grids, and optimal placement of the control actuators.
2017. PhD thesis has been written, for defence on 18/12/2017. Title: ”Cost-effective Communication and Control Architectures for Active Low Voltage Grids”
Event log
2016. A six-month research visit was carried out at the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in Berkeley, CA, from April to September, working on microgrids.
2017. A six-month research visit was carried out at Vattenfall R&D in the fields of microgrids and distribution grids (January to June).
2017. Attended IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting 2017, Chicago, IL.
Project reference-group
Lars Garpetun, Vattenfall
Per Norberg, Vattenfall
Johan Söderbom, Vattenfall
Publications by this researcher
See alternatively the researcher's full DiVA list of publications, with options for sorting.
Publications in journals and conferences usually will not show until a while after they are published.
Comparative Study of Optimal Controller Placement Considering Uncertainty in PV Growth and Distribution Grid Expansion
Mikel Armendariz, Kaveh Paridari, Lars Nordström, Edel Wallin.
2018, Electric power systems research, vol. 155C
Cost-effective Communication and Control Architectures for Active Low Voltage Grids
Mikel Armendáriz.
2017, Thesis (PhD), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EE 2017:160
Strategies to improve the voltage quality in active low-voltage distribution networks using DSO's assets
Mikel Armendariz, Davood Babazadeh, Daniel Brodén, Lars Nordström.
2017, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 11(1)
Coordinated Microgrid Investment and Planning Process Considering the System Operator
Mikel Armendariz, Miguel Heleno, Gonçalo Cardoso, Salman Mashayekh, Michael Stadler, Lars Nordström.
2017, Applied Energy, vol. 200
A Method to Design Optimal Communication Architectures in Advanced Metering Infrastructures
Mikel Armendariz, Christian Johansson, Lars Nordström, Angel Yunta Huete, Miguel García Lobo.
2017, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 11(2)
Method for Reliability Analysis of Distribution Grid Communications Using PRMs-Monte Carlo Methods
Mikel Armendariz, Gonzalez Rodrigo, Matus Korman, Lars Nordström.
2017, IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting 2017, Chicago, IL
A Method to Place Meters in Active Low Voltage Distribution Networks using BPSO Algorithm
Mikel Armendariz, Davood Babazadeh, Lars Nordström, Michele Barchiesi.
2016, 19th Power Systems Computational Conference, PSCC, June 2016 in Genova, Italy
Two-stage Network Processor for an Independent HVDC Grid Supervisory Control
Davood Babazadeh, Alessio Tonti, Mikel Armendariz, Alberto Borghetti, Lars Nordström, Carlo Alberto Nucci.
2016, IEEE PES GM 2016
A Method to Identify Exposed Nodes in Low Voltage Distribution Grids with High PV Penetration
Mikel Armendariz, Daniel Brodén, Nicholas Honeth, Lars Nordström.
2015, Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2015 IEEE
Multiagent-Based Distribution AutomationSolution for Self-Healing Grids
Markus Eriksson, Mikel Armendariz, Oleg Vasilenko, Arshad Saleem, Lars Nordström.
2015, IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982. Print), vol. 62(4)
Facilitating Distribution Grid Network Simulation Through Automated Common Information Model Data Conversion
Mikel Armendariz, Arshad Saleem, Lars Nordström, Mathieu Brugeron.
2015, IEEE PowerTech Conference 2015, Eindhoven (Netherlands), 29 June - 2 July 2015
A co-simulation platform for medium/low voltage monitoring and control applications
Mikel Armendariz, Moustafa Chenine, Lars Nordström, Ahmad Al-Hammouri.
2014, 2014 IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2014, Washington, DC, United States, 19 February 2014 through 22 February 2014
Perspectives on Peer-to-Peer Data Delivery Architectures for Next Generation Power Systems
Yiming Wu, Lars Nordström, Arshad Saleem, Kun Zhu, Nicholas Honeth, Mikel Armendariz.
2013, ISAP2013 (17th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power Systems), Tokyo, Japan, July 1-4,2013
Publication list last updated from DiVA on 2024-08-22 22:58.
Page started: 2012-11-01
Last generated: 2024-08-22