Distribution grids in cities: a case study of smart mobility houses |
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SweGRIDS research area | Flexible Power Systems |
SweGRIDS project code | FPS24 |
Project type | PhD |
Status | completed |
Researcher | Alexander Wallberg (webpage) |
University | UU |
Project period | 2020-04 to 2021-12-31 |
Project supervisor | Rafael Waters (webpage) |
Industrial sponsors | Vattenfall |
The second part of SweGRIDS funding of this project (2021) has the formal grant-code FPS31, but the whole project is described here under the one code FPS24.
Project abstract
A parking house called Dansmästaren is being constructed in Rosendal, Uppsala. It is the first parking house of its kind in Uppsala, and aims to the be the first step in our innovation journey and a prototype for future parking houses in Uppsala, as well as a test site for renewable energy sources. Another ten parking or mobility houses are being planned for the coming 10 years as part of rapid city expansion and new political strategies to decrease the amount of parking spaces on the streets and refer parking needs to mobility houses. Dansmästaren is being built in collaboration with the municipally owned parking company Uppsala Parkerings AB, UPAB. Initially, Dansmästaren will include a 137 kWh Lithium battery system, a 60 kW solar panel system, sixty 22 kW charging points with V2G functionality, and an EMS (energy management system). The electrical system is, however, over dimensioned to make room for future installations and alterations.
Summary of work
The mobility house opened in the beginning on November and the development of the energy management system has started alongside preparing the measurement system.
A research twin is being developed at the Ångströmlaboratory which aims to be a miniature replica of the technical system at the mobility house Dansmästaren. The goal of the research twin is to be able to verify measurement and control strategies before implementing them on site.
A literature review of the research topic Electromobility has been started, with goal to result in at least one review article.
Two master thesis student are working on topics connected to the PhD project and Dansmästarens technical system to help further the research.
Event log
2020-06-05 - Project Presentation at SEC – Part 5: Electrical grid and electromobility
2020-11-01 - The mobility house Dansmästaren opened
2020-11-12 - Project Pitch Presentation at SweGRIDS 2020 Annual Conference (digital).
2020-12-02 - Project Presentation at SEC
Project reference-group
Emil Andersson, WSP, coordinator of BeBo
Annika Strömdahl, Volvo Cars, Project leader
Patrik Palo, Volvo Cars, projectadministrator
Thomas Lindgren, Halmstad University & Volvo Cars, Industrial PhD student
Reza Younesi, UU Chemistry dept. and co-founder of the startup ALTRIS
Micael Östlund, Skolfastigheter, Technical property manager
Maria Thomtén, Uppsala Kommun, Process leader energy conversion
Uwe Zimmerman, UU Solid State Electronics
Cajsa Bartusch, UU Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management
Fredrik Carlsson, Vattenfall
Publications by this researcher
See alternatively the researcher's full DiVA list of publications, with options for sorting.
Publications in journals and conferences usually will not show until a while after they are published.
Correlation as a method to assess electricity users' contributions to grid peak loads : A case study
Carl Flygare, Alexander Wallberg, Erik Jonasson, Valeria Castellucci, Rafael Waters.
2024, Energy, vol. 288
Analysis of voltage control using V2G technology to support low voltage distribution networks
Marina Martins Mattos, Joao Antonio G. Archetti, Leonardo de A. Bitencourt, Alexander Wallberg, Valeria Castellucci, Bruno Henriques Dias, Janaína Gonçalves de Oliveira.
2024, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 18(6)
Enhancing the value of large-scale energy storage systems in congested distribution grids using service stacking
Johannes Hjalmarsson, Carl Flygare, Alexander Wallberg, Oskar Lindberg, Cecilia Boström, Fredrik Carlsson.
2023, Journal of Energy Storage
Evaluation of centralized and distributed energy storage systems in congested distribution grids with service stacked portfolios
Johannes Hjalmarsson, Alexander Wallberg, Carl Flygare, Fredrik Carlsson, Cecilia Boström.
2023, Applied Energy
Scheduling optimization of stacked grid services using energy storage system at large sport facilities in a congested distribution grid
Johannes Hjalmarsson, Carl Flygare, Alexander Wallberg, Cecilia Boström, Fredrik Carlsson.
2023, Journal of Energy Storage
Optimal scheduling of energy storage system in distribution grids using service stacking
Johannes Hjalmarsson, Alexander Wallberg, Carl Flygare, Cecilia Boström, Fredrik Carlsson.
2023, 27th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), Rome, Italy, 12-15 June, 2023
The potential impact of a mobility house on a congested distribution grid – a case study in Uppsala, Sweden
Carl Flygare, Alexander Wallberg, Johannes Hjalmarsson, Christoffer Fjellstedt, Christoffer Aalhuizen, Valeria Castellucci.
2021, CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems
Peak Shaving for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure : A Case Study in a Parking Garage in Uppsala, Sweden
Alexander Wallberg, Carl Flygare, Rafael Waters, Valeria Castellucci.
2022, World Electric Vehicle Journal, vol. 13(8)
Potential of Load Shifting in a Parking Garage with Electric Vehicle Chargers, Local Energy Production and Storage
Valeria Castellucci, Alexander Wallberg, Carl Flygare.
2022, World Electric Vehicle Journal, vol. 13(9)
Publication list last updated from DiVA on 2024-08-22 22:58.
Page started: 2020-04
Last generated: 2024-08-22