Cyber resilient automated operation |
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SweGRIDS research area | Digitalization of Power Systems |
SweGRIDS project code | DPS3 |
Project type | PostDoc |
Status | completed |
Researcher | Muhammad Shoaib Almas (webpage) |
University | KTH (EPE) |
Project period | 2018-01-01 to 2019-12-31 |
Project supervisor | Lars Nordström (webpage) |
Industrial sponsors | Svenska kraftnät |
Project abstract
This project aims to develop a cyber-resilient automated control room for power system operation that exploits field data (available through SCADA, state estimator, topology processor, PMUs, weather stations etc.) to predict system state and propose/initiate optimal corrective/control action. Suitable learning algorithms based on system identification and machine learning techniques will be developed in order to suggest operator actions for a given system state. The outcome of the project (application/function) can be deployed in a control centre for decision support, automatic control room operation and/or operator’s training. Such decision support has the potential to create more efficient (i.e. lower losses) and more secure (i.e. less sensitive to disturbances) operation of the power system also in situation were the penetration of renewable generation is high.
Summary of work
1. Year 2018
a. Deployment of the real-time simulation infrastructure.
b. Deployment and testing of open-source communication network emulator.
c. Development of an interface between SvK’s simulator (ARISTO) and LabVIEW using OPC UA communication.
d. Gathering data through Nordic-32 system executing in ARISTO for testing machine learning algorithms for prediction and classification.
Event log
2018. April 30 – May 4. Research visit from Dr. K. P. Soman and Vijay Krishna of AMRITA University (India). This collaboration resulted in the publication “A Spark-based Client for Synchrophasor Data Stream Processing”, presented at the International Conference on Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICUE18), 24-26 October 2018, Phuket, Thailand.
2018. November. Reference group meetings with SvK.
Project reference-group
Göran Ericsson, R&D Manager, Svenska kraftnät
Robert Eriksson, R&D coordinator, Svenska kraftnät
Pinaki Mitra, R&D Principal Engineer, ABB
Bertil Berggren, Principal Scientist, ABB
Lars Nordström, Professor at EECS School, KTH
Henrik Artman, Professor at EECS School, KTH
MSc etc theses connected to the project
1. J. H. Larsson and M. B. Dahl, “Rapid Prototyping of Microgrid Controllers for Autonomous and Grid-Connected Operation”, Degree Project in Technology, First Cycle, 15 Credits ('Kandidatexjobb').
Abstract: This project aimed to design a controller for a microgrid that would maintain a desired frequency and voltage throughout several steps. These were disconnecting the microgrid to islanded mode, shifting the phase angle with respect to the main grid and finally reconnecting the grids. Four different scenarios were executed. The first one without the controller, two with different loads and one with renewable energy. A PI-regulator was implemented in a Raspberry PI which served as controller. The results showed that the first scenario without a controller ended up with instability. Once the PI-regulator was installed the full simulation could be completed properly, except slightly too high overshoot on the voltage with renewable energy sources installed. Consequently the goal was achieved and the controller performed the requested tasks. Regarding the scenario with renewable energy the controller would need some adjustments to regulate the voltage properly.
2. S. Thanopoulous, “Communication Network Emulator for System-in-the-Loop Studies”. Research Project at EPE-KTH. Duration: June-August 2018.
Abstract: The objective of this project was to deploy open source communication network emulator (NRL-CORE) in the EPE simulator lab to realize a co-simulation platform for smart grid applications. The performance of this test-bed was assessed by introducing communication vulnerabilities such as (i) communication latencies, (ii) Packet Loss, (iii) Packet Duplication, (iv) node failures and (v) network congestion. Both real time synchrophasor measurements from the Nordic grid and simulated power system data from the real-time simulator were used for this study.
3. C. Marty, “Design and Development of a Microgrid Simulation Platform for Real-Time (RT-HIL) Analyses”. Visiting Researcher/Internee from Grenoble Institute of Technology (France). Duration: June-August 2018
Abstract: The objective of this project was to develop a scalable model of a microgird comprising of wind turbines, solar panels, battery storage, diesel generators, single/three phase loads representing domestic/industrial consumers, etc. The models are developed using MATLAB/Simulink. Once the base model is developed, several scenarios representing different microgrid operating conditions e.g. sunny/windy day representing a scenario with high renewable penetration; microgrid in islanded mode which represents the microgrid when it is disconnected from the rest of the grid, etc., are analysed. Furthermore, the model is adapted for real-time simulation and is tested in real-time using Opal-RT real-time simulator.
Publications by this researcher
See alternatively the researcher's full DiVA list of publications, with options for sorting.
Publications in journals and conferences usually will not show until a while after they are published.
Audur—A platform for synchrophasor-based power system wide-area control system implementation
L. Vanfretti, G. M. Jónsdóttir, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, E. Rebello, Seyed Reza Firouzi, M. Baudette.
2018, Software Quality Professional, vol. 7
Vulnerability of Synchrophasor-based WAMPAC Applications' to Time Synchronization Spoofing
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti, Ravi Shankar Singh, Gudrun Margret Jonsdottir.
2018, IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society General Meeting (PESGM), AUG 05-10, 2018, Portland, OR
A Spark (TM) Based Client for Synchrophasor Data Stream Processing
Vijay Krishna Menon, Sajith V. Variyar, K. P. Soman, E. A. Gopalakrishnan, Sasi K. Kottayil, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Lars Nordström.
2018, International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICUE),OCT 24-26, 2018, Phuket, THAILAND
Vulnerability of Synchrophasor-based WAMPAC Applications’ to Time Synchronization Spoofing
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti, Ravi Shankar Singh, Gudrun Margret Jonsdottir.
2018, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9(5)
Utilizing synchrophasor-based supplementary damping control signals in conventional generator excitation systems
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Maxime Baudette, Luigi Vanfretti.
2018, Electric power systems research, vol. 157
Synchrophasor Applications and their Vulnerability to Time Synchronization Impairment
Muhammad Shoaib Almas.
2017, Thesis (PhD), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EE 2017:147
A WACS exploiting generator Excitation Boosters for power system transient stability enhancement
L. Díez-Maroto, Luigi Vanfretti, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, G. M. Jónsdóttir, L. Rouco.
2017, Electric power systems research, vol. 148
BabelFish—Tools for IEEE C37.118.2-compliant real-time synchrophasor data mediation
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti, Maxime Baudette.
2017, SoftwareX, vol. 6
A method exploiting direct communication between phasor measurement units for power system wide-area protection and control algorithms
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2017, MethodsX, vol. 4
A Phase Measurement Unit Based Fast Real-Time Oscillation Detection Application for Monitoring Wind Farm-to-Grid sub-synchronous Dynamics
Luigi Vanfretti, Maxime Baudette, José-Luiz Dominguez-Garcia, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Austin White, Jan Ove Gjerde.
2016, Electric power components and systems, vol. 44(2)
Impact of Time-Synchronization Signal Loss on PMU-based WAMPAC Applications
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2016, IEEE PES General Meeting 2016, Boston
RT-HIL Implementation of Hybrid Synchrophasor and GOOSE-based Passive Islanding Schemes
M. Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2016, IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society General Meeting (PESGM), JUL 17-21, 2016, Boston, MA
RT-HIL hardware prototyping of synchrophasor and active load-based power system oscillation damping controllers
G. M. Jonsdottir, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Maxime Baudette, M. P. Palsson, Luigi Vanfretti.
2016, 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PESGM 2016, 17 July 2016 through 21 July 2016
A Hybrid Synchrophasor and GOOSE-Based Power System Synchronization Scheme
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2016, IEEE Access, vol. 4
‘In Silico’ Testing of a Decentralized PMUData-Based Power Systems Mode Estimator
Ravi Shankar Singh, Maxime Baudette, Hossein Hooshyar, Luigi Vanfretti, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Stig Løvlund.
2016, IEEE PES General Meeting 2016, Boston, MA, US, July 17-21, 2016
Real-Time Data Mediation for Synchrophasor Application Development Compliant with IEEE C37.118.2
Luigi Vanfretti, Iyad Al-Khatib, Muhammad Shoaib Almas.
2015, Innovative Smart Grid Conference (ISGT) North America, Washington DC, USA, Feb 2015
A PMU-Based Fast Real-Time Sub-synchronous Oscillation Detection Application
Luigi Vanfretti, Maxime Baudette, José Luís Dominguez-Garcia, Austin White, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Jan Ove Gjerde.
2015, 15th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, June 10-13, 2015, Rome, Italy
Validation Experiment Design of a PMU-Based Application for Detection of Sub-Synchronous Oscillations
José Luís Dominguez-Garcia, Maxime Baudette, Gerard Del-Rosario, Albert Ruiz-Alvarez, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Ignasi Cairo, Luigi Vanfretti.
2015, 15th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, June 10-13, 2015, Rome, Italy
Software Architecture Development and Implementation of a Synchrophasor-based Real-Time Oscillation Damping Control System
Eldrich Rebello, Luigi Vanfretti, Muhammad Shoaib Almas.
2015, IEEE PowerTech Conference, 29 June-02 July, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Experiences with dynamic PMU compliance testing using standard relay testing equipment
Jako Kilter, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Ivo Palu, Luigi Vanfretti.
2015, Innovative Smart Grid Conference (ISGT) February 17-20, 2015 District of Columbia, Washington DC
An Experimental Setup for Testing Synchrophasor-based Damping Control Systems
Eldrich Rebello, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2015, IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, June 10-13, Rome, Italy
PMU-based Real-Time Damping Control System Software and Hardware Architecture Synthesis and Evaluation
Eldrich Rebello, Luigi Vanfretti, Muhammad Shoaib Almas.
2015, General Meeting of the IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society, 2015, Denver, CO
RT-HIL Testing of an Excitation Control System for Oscillation Damping using External Stabilizing Signals
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2015, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PESGM 2015
RT-HIL Implementation of Hybrid Synchrophasor and GOOSE-based Passive Islanding Schemes
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2015, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 31(3)
Challenges of Real-Time Parameter Estimationof a DFIG using Synchrophasors
Naveed Ur-Rehman Malik, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2015, IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, June 10-13, Rome, Italy
Challenges of Real-Time Parameter Estimation of a DFIG using Synchrophasors
Naveed ur Rehman Malik, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2015, 2015 IEEE 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (IEEE EEEIC 2015,)Wednesday, June 10 - Saturday, June 13, 2015, Rome, Italy
RT-SIL Performance Analysis of Synchrophasor-and-Active Load-Based Power System Damping Controllers
Gudrun Margret Jonsdottir, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Maxime Baudette, Magni Palsson, Luigi Vanfretti.
2015, IEEE PES GM July 26-30, 2015,Denver, CO
Validating a real-time PMU-based application for monitoring of sub-synchronous wind farm oscillations
Maxime Baudette, Luigi Vanfretti, Gerard Del Rosario, Albert Ruiz Alvarez, Jose Luis Dominguez Garcia, Iyad Al-Khatib, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Jan Ove Gjerde.
2014, 2014 IEEE Power and Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, ISGT 2014
Synchrophasor Network, Laboratory and Software Applications Developed in the STRONg2rid Project
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Maxime Baudette, Luigi Vanfretti, S Løvlund, J.O Gjerde.
2014, PES General Meeting Conference & Exposition,IEEE 27-31 July 2014,National Harbor, MD, USA
Open Source SCADA Implementation and PMU Integration for Power System Monitoring and Control Applications
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti, Stig Løvlund, J.O Gjerde.
2014, IEEE PES GM 27-31 July 2014,National Harbor, MD USA
Implementation of Conventional and Phasor Based Power System Stabilizing Controls for Real-Time Simulation
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2014, IEEE IECON 2014,Dallas, TX - USA October 29 - November 1, 2014
Experiences with Steady-State PMU Compliance Testing using Standard Relay Testing Equipment
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Jako Kilter, Luigi Vanfretti.
2014, IEEE PQ,Rakvere, 11-13 June 2014
Experimental Performance Assessment of a Generator's Excitation Control System using Real-Time Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2014, IECON 2014 – 40th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,October 29 - November 1, 2014, USA
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2013, 22nd International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2013, 10-13 June, Stockholm
Testing and Validation of a Fast Real-Time Oscillation Detection PMU-Based Application for Wind-Farm Monitoring
Luigi Vanfretti, Maxime Baudette, Iyad Al-Khatib, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Jan Ove Gjerde.
2013, First International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom), 3-5 July 2013
Analysis of Communication Network Challenges for Synchrophasor-Based Wide-Area Applications
Magnus Danielson, Luigi Vanfretti, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Yuwa Chompoobutrgool, J.O. Gjerde.
2013, 2013 IREP Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - IX Optimization, Security and Control of the Emerging Power Grid, IREP 2013
Methodologies for Power Protection Relay Testing : From Conventional to Real-Time Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Simulation Approaches
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Luigi Vanfretti.
2013, IPST 2013
A Software Development Toolkit for Real-Time Synchrophasor Applications
Luigi Vanfretti, Vemund H. Aarstrand, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Vedran S. Peric, Jan Ove Gjerde.
2013, 2013 IEEE Grenoble Conference PowerTech, POWERTECH 2013
A MATLAB based PMU Simulator
Daniel Dotta, Joe H. Chow, Luigi Vanfretti, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Marcelo N. Agostini.
2013, 2013 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2013
Equipos para medidas precisas de fase en tension corriente para redes inteligentes
Ignasi Cairo, Gerard Del Rosario, J.L. Dominguez, Luigi Vanfretti, Iyad Al-Khatib, Maxime Baudette, M. Shoaib Almas.
2013, Automatica e Instrumentación
Voltage Stability Monitoring using Sensitivities Computed from Synchronized Phasor Measurement Data
Rujiroj Leelaruji, Luigi Vanfretti, Muhammad Shoaib Almas.
2012, 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2012
Over-current relay model implementation for real time simulation & Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) validation
Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Rujiroj Leelaruji, Luigi Vanfretti.
2012, IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,25 Oct - 28 Oct 2012,Montreal, QC, Canada
SmarTS Lab - A Laboratory for Developing Applications for WAMPAC Systems
Luigi Vanfretti, Moustafa Chenine, Muhammad Shoaib Almas, Rujiroj Leelaruji, Lennart Ängquist, Lars Nordström.
2012, 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES 2012
Publication list last updated from DiVA on 2024-08-22 22:57.
Page started: 2018-01-01
Last generated: 2024-08-22