Development of ultra-fast actuators |
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SweGRIDS research area | CIPOWER Controllable Power Components |
SweGRIDS project code | CP3 |
Project type | PhD |
Status | completed |
Researcher | Ara Bissal (webpage) |
University | KTH (EME) |
Project period | 2011-12-01 to 2015-05-29 |
Project supervisor | Göran Engdahl (webpage) |
Industrial sponsors | ABB |
InnoEnergy PhD School | yes |
Project abstract
The topic of this thesis is focused on using the Thomson coil (TC) based principle to simulate and develop ultra-fast actuators. The TC actuator is a multi-physical problem where electromagnetic, temperature, and mechanical studies are vital. Moreover, it is complex since all those variables are co-dependent and have to be solved for simultaneously. As a result, one of the main goals of this thesis is to develop a multi-disciplinary simulation model that can predict the behavior and performance of this actuator with a high degree of accuracy. Subsequently, a prototype is to be built to validate the model experimentally.
Another objective is to design and build a flexible test bench, primarily to study the parameters influencing the generation of those high impulse forces and secondly, to identify and study critical materials and key components influencing the force transmission.
Finally, based on the acquired knowledge, different configurations are to be presented with suggestions of possible improvements.
Summary of work
Developed new simulation models.
Built several concepts for proof of concept.
Built and designed from scratch a switching lab at KTH with Jesper Magnusson.
Event log
2015. A 6-month visit was made to ABB research center in Germany, December 2014 to May 2015, as a mobility period within the InnoEnergy PhD School.
Two patents were submitted during the course of the project.
Project reference-group
Magnus Backman, ABB
supervisors, KTH
Publications by this researcher
See alternatively the researcher's full DiVA list of publications, with options for sorting.
Publications in journals and conferences usually will not show until a while after they are published.
Modeling and Verification of Ultra-Fast Electro-Mechanical Actuators for HVDC Breakers
Ara Bissal.
2015, Thesis (PhD), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EE 2015:010
Electric to Mechanical Energy Conversion of Linear Ultrafast Electromechanical Actuators Based on Stroke Requirements
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2015, IEEE transactions on industry applications, vol. 51(4)
On the Design of a Linear Composite Magnetic Damper
Ara Bissal, Ener Salinas, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2015, IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag), MAY 11-15, 2015, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, vol. 51(11)
Multiphysics modeling and experimental verification of ultra-fast electro-mechanical actuators
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Ener Salinas, Göran Engdahl.
2015, International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics, vol. 49(1)
On the design of a linear composite magnetic damper
Ara Bissal, E. Salinas, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2015, 2015 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2015, 11 May 2015 through 15 May 2015
Effect of polymer based nanocomposites on the electrical arcs in air
Venkatesh Doddapaneni, Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Hans Edin, Muhammet S. Toprak, Rudolf Gati.
2015, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS), MAY 24-28, 2015, Belek, TURKEY
Numerical modelling and experimental testing of eddy-current dampers
C Chen, Ara Bissal, E Salinas.
2014, ACTUATOR 2014, Bremen, Germany, 23 – 25 June 2014
Optimal design of a medium voltage hybrid fault current limiter
Jesper Magnusson, Juan A. Martinez-Velasco, Ara Bissal, Göran Engdahl.
2014, 2014 IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2014
Electric to Mechanical Energy Conversion of Linear Ultra-Fast Electro-Mechanical Actuators Based on Stroke Requirements
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2014, International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2014,2-5 Sept. 2014, Berlin, Germany
Design Aspects of a Medium Voltage Hybrid DC Breaker
Jesper Magnusson, Ara Bissal, Göran Engdahl, Martinez Juan A.
2014, ISGT Europe 2014
On the Design of Ultra-fast Electro-Mechanical Actuators
Ara Bissal.
2013, Thesis (Licentiate), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Trita-EE 2013:015
On the Use of Metal Oxide Varistors as a Snubber Circuit in Solid-State Breakers
Jesper Magnusson, Ara Bissal, Göran Engdahl, Robert Saers, Zichi Zhang, Lars Liljestrand.
2013, 2013 4th IEEE/PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT Europe 2013
Optimal Energizing Source Design for Ultra-Fast Actuators
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2013, Soft Magnetic Materials 21 Conference
Novel Method for Measurement of Anhysteretic Magnetization Curves
Seyedali Mousavi, Göran Engdahl, Andreas Krings, Ara Bissal.
2013, Compumag2013
On the Design of Ultra-Fast Electromechanical Actuators : A Comprehensive Multi-Physical Simulation Model
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Ener Salinas, Göran Engdahl, Anders Eriksson.
2012, Sixth International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications (ICEF), 2012, 19-21 June 2012, Dalian, CHINA
Comparison of two Ultra-fast actuator concepts
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2012, IEEE transactions on magnetics, vol. 48(11)
Loadability and scaling aspects of Thomson based ultra-fast actuators
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl, Ener Salinas.
2012, Actuator 2012, Bremen Convention Center,18-20 June 2012
Publication list last updated from DiVA on 2024-08-22 22:56.
Page started: 2011-12-01
Last generated: 2024-08-22