Hybrid switch consisting of a mechanical device and power electronics |
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SweGRIDS research area | CIPOWER Controllable Power Components |
SweGRIDS project code | CP2 |
Project type | PhD |
Status | completed |
Researcher | Jesper Magnusson (webpage) |
University | KTH (EME) |
Project period | 2011-02-01 to 2017-06-09 |
Project supervisor | Göran Engdahl (webpage) |
Industrial sponsors | ABB |
InnoEnergy PhD School | yes |
Project abstract
The project investigates the possibilities of using a combination of power electronics and a mechanical switch to obtain the benefits of both components.
Power electronics provide controllability and possibility to interrupt or commutate currents in some micro seconds. The drawback of power electronics are high on-state losses both considering cost and increased complexity since cooling systems are needed. One way to solve it is to put a mechanical switch in parallel to the power electronics to carry the nominal current. The switch never has to interrupt any current, only commutate the current over to the power electronics and hence it can be made lighter and faster than a circuit breaker. The project investigates the development of such a commutation switch considering the issues of fast current commutation and mechanical endurance.
Summary of work
A new switching laboratory has been designed and built at KTH, with the main focus on testing high speed actuators and current commutation.
2015. The laboratory has been functioning since 2015. Initial tests on current commutation have been performed and published in a conference paper. The lab prototype has been used for testing, and redesigned and improved during the year; testing on current commutation has continued, and was finalized during the end of 2015.
2016. A new prototype was designed and built during the first half of 2016 and installed in the lab after the summer. Tests are ongoing with commutation of larger currents and will be finalized by the end of the year.
2016. During the second half of 2016 an improved prototype has been tested; the work is ongoing to perform and validate the most important design parameters for the mechanical commutation switch.
2016. A software on optimization of the switch design parameter has been developed and delivered to ABB via the Innoenergy project ESPE in which this PhD project was active during 2016. A publication on the results is underway at the end of 2016.
Event log
2015-12. An Invention Disclosure on increasing the efficiency of hybrid DC breakers for high voltage applications was filed in ABBs system.
Project reference-group
Göran Engdahl, KTH
Magnus Backman, ABB
Ara Bissal, ABB
Juan Martinez, UPC Barcelona
Publications by this researcher
See alternatively the researcher's full DiVA list of publications, with options for sorting.
Publications in journals and conferences usually will not show until a while after they are published.
Thomson-Coil Actuator System for Enhanced Active Resonant DC Circuit Breakers
Tim Augustin, Mrunal Parekh, Jesper Magnusson, Marley Becerra Garcia, Hans-Peter Nee.
2022, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 10(1)
Arc Characteristics of Ultra-Fast Opening Switching Contacts in Hybrid Breakers
Mrunal Parekh, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl, Marley Becerra Garcia.
2021, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 36(5)
Study of an Electromagnetic Damping Actuator
Mrunal Parekh, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2018, ACTUATOR 2018: 16th International Conference on New Actuators, Bremen, Germany, 25–27 June 2018
Design of a linear Halbach magnetic damper
Mrunal Parekh, Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2018, International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics, vol. 59(2)
Optimum design of hybrid HVDC circuit breakers using a parallel genetic algorithm and a MATLAB-EMTP environment
Javier A. Corea-Araujo, Juan A. Martinez-Velasco, Jesper Magnusson.
2017, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 11(12)
Parametric analysis of the hybrid HVDC circuit breaker
Juan A. Martinez-Velasco, Jesper Magnusson.
2017, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 84
Studies on Current Commutation in Hybrid DC-breakers
Jesper Magnusson.
2017, Thesis (PhD), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EE 2017:045
Study of a linear Halbach passive magnetic damper
Mrunal Parekh, Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2017, 2017 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2017, Dublin, Ireland, 24 April 2017 through 28 April 2017
EMTP Modeling of Hybrid HVDC Breakers
Juan A. Martinez, Jesper Magnusson.
2015, General Meeting of the IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society, JUL 26-30, 2015, Denver, CO
Hybrid multi-physics modeling of an ultra-fast electro-mechanical actuator
A. Bissal, A. Eriksson, Jesper Magnusson, G. Engdahl.
2015, Actuators, vol. 4(4)
On the design of hybrid DC-breakers consisting of a mechanical switch and semiconductor devices
Jesper Magnusson.
2015, Thesis (Licentiate), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EE 2015:011
Experimental study of the current commutation in hybrid DC-breakers
Jesper Magnusson, Ara Bissai, Göran Engdahl, J. A. Martinez, L. Liljestrand.
2015, 3rd International Conference on Electric Power Equipment - Switching Technology, ICEPE-ST 2015, Haeundae Grand HotelHaeundae-Beach Road 217, Haeundae-guBusan, South Korea, 25 October 2015 through 28 October 2015
Electric to Mechanical Energy Conversion of Linear Ultrafast Electromechanical Actuators Based on Stroke Requirements
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2015, IEEE transactions on industry applications, vol. 51(4)
On the Design of a Linear Composite Magnetic Damper
Ara Bissal, Ener Salinas, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2015, IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag), MAY 11-15, 2015, Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA, vol. 51(11)
Multiphysics modeling and experimental verification of ultra-fast electro-mechanical actuators
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Ener Salinas, Göran Engdahl.
2015, International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics, vol. 49(1)
On the design of a linear composite magnetic damper
Ara Bissal, E. Salinas, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2015, 2015 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2015, 11 May 2015 through 15 May 2015
Spectroscopic investigations of the ablated species from the polymers exposed to electric arcs in air
Venkatesh Doddapaneni, Jesper Magnusson, A. Bissai, Hans Edin, Muhammet S. Toprak, R. Gati.
2015, 3rd International Conference on Electric Power Equipment - Switching Technology, ICEPE-ST 2015, Haeundae Grand HotelHaeundae-Beach Road 217, Haeundae-guBusan, South Korea, 25 October 2015 through 28 October 2015
Effect of polymer based nanocomposites on the electrical arcs in air
Venkatesh Doddapaneni, Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Hans Edin, Muhammet S. Toprak, Rudolf Gati.
2015, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS), MAY 24-28, 2015, Belek, TURKEY
Optimal design of a medium voltage hybrid fault current limiter
Jesper Magnusson, Juan A. Martinez-Velasco, Ara Bissal, Göran Engdahl.
2014, 2014 IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2014
Impact on voltage rise of PV generation in future swedish urban areas with high PV penetration
Yining Hou, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl, Lars Liljestrand.
2014, 2014 IEEE International Energy Conference, ENERGYCON 2014
Separation of the energy absorption and overvoltage protection in solid-state breakers by the use of parallel varistors
Jesper Magnusson, R. Saers, L. Liljestrand, Göran Engdahl.
2014, IEEE transactions on power electronics, vol. 29(6)
Electric to Mechanical Energy Conversion of Linear Ultra-Fast Electro-Mechanical Actuators Based on Stroke Requirements
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2014, International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), 2014,2-5 Sept. 2014, Berlin, Germany
Design Aspects of a Medium Voltage Hybrid DC Breaker
Jesper Magnusson, Ara Bissal, Göran Engdahl, Martinez Juan A.
2014, ISGT Europe 2014
On the Use of Metal Oxide Varistors as a Snubber Circuit in Solid-State Breakers
Jesper Magnusson, Ara Bissal, Göran Engdahl, Robert Saers, Zichi Zhang, Lars Liljestrand.
2013, 2013 4th IEEE/PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT Europe 2013
Optimal Energizing Source Design for Ultra-Fast Actuators
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2013, Soft Magnetic Materials 21 Conference
On the Design of Ultra-Fast Electromechanical Actuators : A Comprehensive Multi-Physical Simulation Model
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Ener Salinas, Göran Engdahl, Anders Eriksson.
2012, Sixth International Conference on Electromagnetic Field Problems and Applications (ICEF), 2012, 19-21 June 2012, Dalian, CHINA
Comparison of two Ultra-fast actuator concepts
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl.
2012, IEEE transactions on magnetics, vol. 48(11)
Loadability and scaling aspects of Thomson based ultra-fast actuators
Ara Bissal, Jesper Magnusson, Göran Engdahl, Ener Salinas.
2012, Actuator 2012, Bremen Convention Center,18-20 June 2012
Publication list last updated from DiVA on 2024-08-22 22:56.
Page started: 2011-12-01
Last generated: 2024-08-22