several short reliability-oriented postdoc projects |
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SweGRIDS research area | CIPOWER Controllable Power Components |
SweGRIDS project code | CP11 |
Project type | PostDoc |
Status | completed |
Researcher | Carl Johan Wallnerström (webpage) |
University | KTH () |
Project period | 2013 to 2013 |
Project supervisor | Patrik Hilber (webpage) |
Industrial sponsors | Vattenfall |
Project abstract
Summary of work
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Publications by this researcher
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Publications in journals and conferences usually will not show until a while after they are published.
Analysis of the future power systems’s ability to enable sustainable energy-Using the case system of Smart Grid Gotland
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Lina Bertling.
2018, Application of Smart Grid Technologies : Case Studies in Saving Electricity in Different Parts of the World
Dynamic Line Rating for Wind Power
Saifal Talpur, Carl-Johan Wallnerström, Christer Flood, Patrik Hilber.
2016, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, vol. 8
Framework for System Analyses of Smart Grid Solutions with Examples from the Gotland Case
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Patrik Hilber, Jan Henning Jürgensen.
2016, Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), 2016 International Conference on, Beijing, 16-20 Oct. 2016
Impact from Dynamic Line Rating on Wind Power Integration
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Yalin Huang, Lennart Söder.
2015, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 6(1)
Analyses of Smart Grid Technologies and Solutions from a System Perspective
Sajeesh Babu, Jan Henning Jürgensen, Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber, Lina Bertling Tjernberg.
2015, IEEE Power and Energy Society ISGT Asia 2015,3-6 Nov. 2015, Bangkok
Implementation of Dynamic Line Rating in a Sub-Transmission System for Wind Power Integration
Saifal Talpur, Carl Johan Wallnerstrom, Christer Flood, Patrik Hilber.
2015, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, vol. 6(8)
Summary of the Swedish tariff regulation and impact of changes on investment strategies
Sune Bergerland, Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber.
2015, CIRED 2015,15-18 June 2015, Lyon, France
Examples of research on smart grid solutions
Carl Johan Wallnerström.
2014, Energy Summit, 17-18 september 2014 i Stockholm
Implementation of Dynamic Line Rating technique in a 130 kV Regional Network
Saifal Talpur, Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber, Saqib Najmus Shah.
2014, 2014 IEEE 17th International Multi Topic Conference (INMIC 2014)8-10 Dec. 2014, Karachi
Analys av smartaelnätsteknologier inom kategorin elnätslösningar
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Patrik Hilber, Sajeesh Babu, Jan Henning Jürgensen.
Asset management framework applied to power distribution for cost-effective resource allocation
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber, Sabina Stenberg.
2014, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 24(12)
Reliability Data : A Review of Importance, Use, and Availability
Niklas Ekstedt, Carl Johan Wallnerström, Sajeesh Babu, Patrik Hilber, Per Westerlund, Jan Henning Jürgensen, Tommie Lindquist.
2014, NORDAC 2014 (Eleventh Nordic Conference on Electricity Distribution System Management and Development, Stockholm, 8 - 9 September 2014)
Potential of dynamic rating in Sweden
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber, Peter Söderström, Robert Saers, Olle Hansson.
2014, 13th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS)
Using power system temperature sensors for moreuses than originally intended : Exemplified by investigating dynamic rating possibilities
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Per Westerlund, Patrik Hilber.
2014, NORDAC 2014 (Eleventh Nordic Conference on Electricity Distribution System Management and Development, Stockholm, 8 - 9 September 2014)
Reliability Analysis and Asset Management Applied to Power Distribution
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber.
Samhällets ökande beroende av ett leveranssäkert elkraftsystem
Carl Johan Wallnerström.
2013, PRIVAD Seminarium för kritiska beroenden och viktiga samhällsfunktioner, 28 november 2013
Riskanalysbaserat ramverk för projektplanering och underhållsoptimering
Carl Johan Wallnerström.
Benefits of Reliability Centred Asset Management
Patrik Hilber, Carl Johan Wallnerström, Johanna Rosenlind, Sajeesh Babu, Per Westerlund.
2013, 22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2013
Vulnerability Analysis of Power Distribution Systems for Cost-effective Resource Allocation
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber.
2013, General Meeting of the IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society (PES), JUL 21-25, 2013, Vancouver, Canada
Implementation and evaluation of commonly used risk analysis methods applied to a regional power distribution system
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber, Julio Gadea Travi.
2013, 22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2013
A Pre-Study Towards Investigating the Art of Choosing Right Level of Input Data
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber, Sabina Stenberg.
2012, PMAPS 2012,10 - 14th, June, Istanbul, Turkey
Vulnerability Analysis of Power Distribution Systems for Cost-effective Resource Allocation
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber.
2012, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 27(1)
Fault Management at a Distribution System Operator
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Sabina Stenberg, Patrik Hilber.
2012, PMAPS 2012, The 12th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, June, 2012,Istanbul
The new Swedish Regulation of Power Distribution System Tariffs : A Description and an Initial Evaluation on its Risk and Asset Management Incentives
Sabina Stenberg, Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber, Olle Hansson.
2012, NORDAC 2012, Espoo, Finland, 10-11 September 2012
Reliability Analysis and Asset Management Applied to Power Distribution : Draft version spring 2012
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber.
On Incentives affecting Risk and Asset Management of Power Distribution
Carl Johan Wallnerström.
2011, Thesis (PhD), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Trita-EE 2011:022
The potential of Using EQUIVALENT COMPARISON STANDARDS to judge EFFECTIBLE COSTS in Electrical Distribution tariff regulation
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Anna Isenberg, Johan Setreus, Patrik Hilber.
2011, 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011
An example of investment planning of power distribution using quantitative reliability and cost analyses
Henrik Rinnemo, Carl Johan Wallnerström, Mustafa Abdul-Rasool, Patrik Hilber.
2011, 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED2011. Frankfurt 6-9. June 2011
Learning from Experiences of the prior Swedish Electrical Distribution System Regulation : Reference Material when Developing the Future Regulatory Incentives
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Lina Bertling.
2010, IEEE ISGT Europe 2010
Risk and reliability assessment for electrical distribution systems and impacts of regulations with examples from Sweden
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Lina Bertling, Le Anh Tuan.
2010, International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, vol. 1(2)
Laws And Regulations Of Swedish Power Distribution Systems 1996-2012 : learning from novel approaches such as less good experiences
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Lina Bertling.
2010, CIRED Workshop 2010 Lyon
Potentiell användning av standardkostnader i regleringen av elnätsföretagens löpande påverkbara kostnader
Patrik Hilber, Carl Johan Wallnerström, Johan Setreus, Anna Isenberg.
Model of Capacity Demand under uncertain Weather
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Johan Setreus, Patrik Hilber, Fan Tong, Lina Bertling.
2010, IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS)
RACalc : a Power Distribution Reliability Tool
Johan Setreus, Carl Johan Wallnerström, Patrik Hilber, Claes Böös, Richard Göransson.
2010, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS)
Risk analysis for power systems : overview and potential benefits
Patrik Hilber, Carl Johan Wallnerström, Johanna Rosenlind, Johan Setréus, Niclas Schönborg.
2010, CIRED Workshop 2010
Risk Management Applied to Electrical Distribution Systems
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Lina Bertling.
2009, CIRED 2009, Prague
RADPOW development and documentation
Lina Bertling, Patrik Hilber, Jolanta Jensen, Johan Setreus, Carl Johan Wallnerström.
Investigation of the robustness of the Swedish network performance assessment model
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Lina M. Bertling.
2008, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 23(2)
Review of the Swedish Network Performance Assessment Model
Lina Bertling, Mats B-O Larsson, Carl Johan Wallnerström.
Review of the Risk Management at a Distribution System Operator
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Jörgen Hasselström, Per Bengtsson, Lina Bertling.
2008, 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Rincon, PR, MAY 25-29, 2008
On Risk Management of Electrical Distribution Systems and the Impact of Regulations
Carl Johan Wallnerström.
2008, Thesis (Licentiate), KTH, Trita-EE 2008:023
Maintenance and Investment Optimization in Distribution Systems
Johan Setréus, Carl Johan Wallnerström.
Excercises on reliability assessment of electric power systems
Lina Bertling, Carl Johan Wallnerström.
A Comparative Study of Regulation Policies for Interruption of Supply of Electrical Distribution Systems in Sweden and UK
Johan Setréus, Carl Johan Wallnerström, Lina Bertling.
2007, 19th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Vienna, 21-24 May 2007
A Sensitivity Study of the Swedish Network Performance Assessment Model Investigating the Effects of Changes in Input Data
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Lina Bertling.
2007, 19th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Vienna, 21-24 May 2007
Nätnyttomodellens tillförlitlighet med avseende på små förändringar i indata
Lina Bertling, Carl Johan Wallnerström.
Evaluation of the Customer Value of Component Redundancy in Electrical Distribution Systems
Lina Bertling, Mats B-O Larsson, Carl Johan Wallnerström.
2005, IEEE PowerTech´05, Petersburg, Russia
Känslighetsanalys av Nätnyttomodellens indata : En analys av 2005 års version av Nätnyttomodellen och dess parametrar för autentiska indata
Carl Johan Wallnerström, Lina Bertling.
Algoritm för uppskattning av den maximala effekten i eldistributionsnät : med avseende på Nätnyttomodellens sammanlagringsfunktion
Carl Johan Wallnerström.
Sveriges elektrifiering : grunden för vårt moderna samhälle
Carl Johan Wallnerström.
Publication list last updated from DiVA on 2024-08-22 22:56.
Page started: 2013
Last generated: 2024-08-22