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Projects are listed below, grouped by their state (running, pending, ended), each group sorted by start-date.
Besides the following links, you might be interested in some SweGRIDS conference archives:
posters (2012),
presentations (2020),
presentation slides (2021).
Start in SweGRIDS | Project code and type | Researcher name | Industry Sponsors | Project title |
2020-05 | FPS20 PhD |
Vinicius Albuquerque | Svenska kraftnät, Vattenfall | Improved observability in the power system: Rotor angle measurements and support from faster voltage control |
2020-01 | MTL5 PhD |
Rebecka Löfgren | FoV Fabrics | High power all-organic batteries |
2019-11 | FPS19 PhD |
Sayyeda Umbereen | Svenska kraftnät, Vattenfall | Improved observability in the power system: Real-time stability monitoring and control |
2019-08 | FPS16 PhD |
Mathilda Ohrelius | Vattenfall, Hitachi Energy | Investigating key performance of new commercial lithium-ion batteries for grid-microgrid energy storage applications |
2019-06 | DPS5 PhD |
Fredrik Heiding | Svenska kraftnät | Securing critical infrastructure - electric power systems - by developing threat modeling and pentration testing methods |
2019-01 | DPS1 PhD |
Engla Rencelj Ling | Ellevio, Vattenfall | Threat modelling for digitalized power systems |
2018-09 | CPC6 PhD |
Sylvie Koziel | E.ON | Optimal asset management data - Components |
2018-09 | FPS8 PhD |
Umar Hanif Ramadhani | Vattenfall | Advanced statistical methods for determining the hosting capacity of medium and low voltage networks |
2018-09 | DPS2 PhD |
Sotirios Katsikeas | Svenska kraftnät | Integration effort prediction for asset management data collection |
2018-08 | FPS1 PhD |
Angelica Clark | Hitachi Energy, Svenska kraftnät, Vattenfall | The technical power-based challenges of power systems with major share of power production infeed via power electronics devices |
2018-07 | FPS3 PhD |
Johannes Hjalmarsson | E.ON, Vattenfall | The need of energy storage in the future distribution system to ensure a stable operation and a high power quality |
2017-02 | CP26 PhD |
Sanja Duvnjak Zarkovic | Vattenfall, Ellevio | Security of supply |
2015-07 | SP6 PhD |
Ehsan Davari Nejad | Svenska kraftnät | Intermittency and ancillary service cost allocation: A game-theoretic approach |
2014-06 | CP14 PhD |
Patrick Janus | Ellevio, Svenska kraftnät, ABB | Tunnel Cable Project (TUNCAB) |
2012-12 | SP2 PhD |
Harold Rene Chamorro Vera | Vattenfall | Design and operation of low-inertia power systems |
Start in SweGRIDS | Project code and type | Researcher name | Industry Sponsors | Project title |
2021-10 | FPS29 post-MSc |
Pavithra Gopalakrishnan | E.ON, Vattenfall | Reliability and life cycle cost assessment of local energy systems |
2021-09 | FPS30 post-MSc |
Hamza Shafique | Svenska kraftnät, Vattenfall | Energy Management System (EMS) models for the optimal real-time operation and control of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) for peak shaving and frequency regulation |
2021-09 | FPS27 post-MSc |
Zhanzhan Liu | Vattenfall | Estimation of net-impedance passively by perturbations from loads, with application to network fault detection by smart meters |
2021-09 | CPC20 PhD |
Jing Hao | Hitachi Energy | Enhanced measurements for diagnostics of power-system components |
2021-08 | MTL9 PostDoc |
Litao Yin | ABB | Electrochemical Finite Element Modelling to Assist Development of Machine-Learning Tools for Battery Ageing Modelling |
2021-08 | MTL7 PostDoc |
Amirreza Khataee | Vattenfall | Electrochemical characterization of novel ion exchange membrane for vanadium redox flow battery |
2021-07 | MTL10 post-MSc |
Maria Wojtowicz | Hitachi Energy | Metal-graphene composites for electrical contacts in high voltage applications - test capabilities for next generation contact materials |
2021-07 | FPS26 PhD |
Reza Fachrizal | Vattenfall | Smart charging strategies and optimal PV-EV sizing to increase the combined PV-EV hosting capacity in the distribution grid |
2021-07 | CPC19 post-MSc |
Federica Bragone | Hitachi Energy | Physics-Informed Neural Networks for modelling temperature and loss distribution in power transformers |
2021-04 | CPC15 PostDoc |
Mahidhar Durga Pawan Gorla | Hitachi Energy, Ellevio, Svenska kraftnät | On-line diagnostics of reactor and transformer bushings by utilization of overvoltage transients |
2021-02 | CPC18 PostDoc |
Yue Cui | Svenska kraftnät | Fault detection framework using neural networks for condition monitoring of high voltage equipment in power grids |
2021-01 | DPS6 PhD |
Baris Ciftci | Hitachi Energy | Wireless Control of Modular Multilevel Converter Autonomous Submodules |
2020-12 | FPS25 PostDoc |
Bahram Shakerighadi | Hitachi Energy | Modern Power Systems based on 100% converter-connected renewable generation |
2020-10 | CPC17 PostDoc |
Kateryna Morozovska | E.ON, Hitachi Energy, Ellevio | Investigation of long-term perspectives of dynamic rating of power lines, underground cables, transformers and substation equipment to promote large-scale Variable Renewable Energy installations |
2020-07 | CPC16 PostDoc |
Per Westerlund | Svenska kraftnät | Benefits of failure statistics and measurement equipment for maintenance planning: Case study - Capacitor voltage transformers and circuit breakers in the transmission grid |
2020-04 | FPS24 PhD |
Alexander Wallberg | Vattenfall | Distribution grids in cities: a case study of smart mobility houses |
2020-03 | MTL8 PostDoc |
Robin Elo | Hitachi Energy | Metal-graphene composites for electrical contacts used in high voltage applications |
2019-12 | FPS21 PostDoc |
Dimitrios Zografors | Svenska kraftnät | Frequency response assessment of power systems |
2019-06 | MTL6 PostDoc |
Litao Yin | ABB, Vattenfall | Li-ion battery diagnostics through combined cell modelling and electroanalytical tools |
2018-11 | FPS12 PhD |
Md Tanbhir Hoq | Hitachi Energy, Svenska kraftnät | Distance protection of transmission lines with high levels of series compensation |
2018-10 | MTL1 PostDoc |
Vitalii Shtender | Höganäs | Development of novel permanent magnets without rare earth elements |
2018-10 | CPC5 PhD |
Wadih Naim | E.ON, Vattenfall | Optimal asset management data - System |
2018-09 | MTL4 PhD |
Ida Ekebrink-Åkerblom | Höganäs | Iron-based cathodes for lithium- and sodium-ion batteries |
2018-08 | MTL2 PostDoc |
Henry Stopfel | Höganäs | Macro- and microscopic magnetic properties of rare earth element free permanent magnets |
2018-08 | CPC1 PhD |
Sara Anttila | Vattenfall | Controllable power components for a flexible power system |
2018-07 | FPS18 PhD |
Kateryna Morozovska | E.ON | Dynamic rating with applications to renewable energy |
2018-04 | FPS7 PostDoc |
Per Westerlund | Svenska kraftnät | Novel application of computationally intense statistical methods for improved asset management |
2018-01 | MTL3 PhD |
Christian Strietzel | UU holding | Organic batteries for large scale electrical energy storage |
2018-01 | FPS6 PhD |
Tim Augustin | Hitachi ABB Power Grids | Ultra-fast and robust novel HVDC circuit breaker as key enabler for future HVDC grids |
2018-01 | FPS2 PhD |
Muhammad Taha Ali | Svenska kraftnät, Vattenfall | Analysis of subsynchronous oscillations in wind power plants |
2018-01 | DPS3 PostDoc |
Muhammad Shoaib Almas | Svenska kraftnät | Cyber resilient automated operation |
2018-01 | CPC7 PostDoc |
Sahitya Yadav Kandur | ABB | Transients and insulation systems condition |
2018-01 | CPC4 PhD |
Stefanie Heinig | ABB | Advanced modular multilevel converters for high-voltage direct current grids |
2017-10 | SP12 PostDoc |
Sambuddha Chakrabarti | Svenska kraftnät | Distributed Optimization Based Mechanism Design for Optimal Transmission Coordination |
2017-04 | CP27 PostDoc |
Sahitya Yadav Kandur | ABB | Transients and Insulation Systems Condition (TRILSC) |
2017-01 | ML12 PostDoc |
Samrand Shafeie | Höganäs | Development of novel permanent magnets |
2017-01 | ML11 PostDoc |
Mamoun Taher | ABB | Heavy-duty contact materials II |
2016-12 | IT8 Lic |
Daniel A. Brodén | Vattenfall | Modeling, simulations and control of flexible demand‐response |
2016-12 | CP28 PhD |
Jan Henning Jürgensen | Svenska kraftnät, Ellevio, Vattenfall | Modeling risk of failure for individual components in the power system |
2016-12 | CP23 PhD |
Md Zakaria Habib | Vattenfall, Ellevio, ABB | Fault‐location accuracy in resonant‐earthed medium voltage systems |
2016-09 | ST7 PostDoc |
Jose Perez-Loya | Vattenfall | Remotely controlled rotating exciters for faster voltage response and rotor motion control |
2016-04 | CP19 PhD |
Mrunal Parekh | Hitachi ABB Power Grids | Efficient ultra-fast electromechanical actuators for switching applications in power systems |
2016-01 | SP11 PhD |
Alexandros Korkovelos | ABB | Towards a more integrated energy market – A focus on the improved modelling of transmission systems and energy storage investments in the long-term energy systems optimization model OSeMOSYS and the development of the OpeN Source Spatial Electrification Toolkit – OnSSET |
2016-01 | ML4c PostDoc |
Richard Andersson | ABB | High voltage insulation materials based on functional polymer nanocomposites – compounding, structure, stability |
2015-10 | CP18 PhD |
Jonas Pettersson | ABB | Plasma-polymer interaction in switchgear |
2015-09 | ML9 PostDoc |
Mamoun Taher | ABB | Heavy-duty contact materials |
2015-09 | ML10 PhD |
Ana Isabel Mendoza | ABB | Multifunctional structural outdoor insulation surfaces |
2015-09 | CP21 PhD |
Elena Kubyshkina | ABB | Electromagnetic modeling for insulating nanocomposites |
2015-09 | CP20 PhD |
Claes Carrander | ABB, Ellevio | The magnetizing current as a tool for on-line transformer core diagnostics |
2015-09 | CP17 PhD |
Keijo Jacobs | ABB | HVDC and FACTS converters employing SiC power semiconductors. Part 2: SiC-based converter cells |
2015-09 | CP16 PhD |
Daniel Johannesson | Hitachi ABB Power Grids | HVDC and FACTS converters employing SiC power semiconductors. Part 1: HVSiC devices and their commutation |
2015-04 | ML8 PhD |
Mattias Karlsson | Towards an ultra-high voltage DC cable insulation – adsorption of charge carriers in polyethylene | |
2015-01 | SP10 PhD |
Dimitrios Zografors | Svenska kraftnät | Real time estimation of power system inertia |
2015-01 | ST4 PhD |
Lisa Åkerlund | FoV Fabrics | SUSBATT1 – Sustainable and upscalable electrode materials for environmentally friendly supercapacitors |
2014-12 | IT7 PostDoc |
Adam Molin | Svenska kraftnät | Data quality analysis in power system state estimators |
2014-11 | ML7 PhD |
Hailiang Fang | Höganäs | Synthesis and characterization of novel RE-free permanent magnet materials |
2014-10 | IT6 PhD |
Davood Babazadeh | Svenska kraftnät, ABB | Distributed control of Multi-terminal HVDC grids |
2014-09 | SP9 PhD |
Wei Li | Svenska kraftnät, ABB | Real-time wide-area state estimation of hybrid AC and DC grids |
2014-06 | ST5 PhD |
Hao Huang | ETC Battery and FuelCells | All polymer based batteries |
2014-05 | SP8 PhD |
Panagiotis Bakas | ABB | Hybrid HVDC transmission |
2013-12 | IT3 PostDoc |
Moustafa Chenine | Svenska kraftnät | Modeling and analysis of Communication Systems for Wide Area Monitoring and Control |
2013-07 | CP8 PhD |
Matthijs Heuvelmans | ABB | High voltage converter cells for HVDC/STATCOM |
2013-05 | ML6 PhD |
Sofia Kontos | Höganäs | Permanent magnets for the future sustainable society |
2013-02 | CP6 PhD |
Niklas Ekstedt | Vattenfall | Reliability decision support based on existing data |
2013-01 | SP3 PhD |
Ilias Dimoulkas | Fortum | Flexible combined heat and power in electricity markets with large amounts of wind power |
2013-01 | CP7 PhD |
Mohamad Ghaffarian | ABB | Partial discharge diagnostics of power transformers |
2013 | CP11 PostDoc |
Carl Johan Wallnerström | Vattenfall | several short reliability-oriented postdoc projects |
2012-11 | CP5 PhD |
Per Westerlund | Svenska kraftnät | Systematic diagnostic measures for asset management |
2012-11 | SP4 PhD |
Kristina Östman | Svenska kraftnät | Transmission pricing in the presence of large amounts of wind and solar power |
2012-11 | ML4 Lic |
Wangshu Li | ABB | High voltage insulation materials based on functional polymer nanocomposites – compounding, structure, stability |
2012-11 | IT2 PhD |
Mikel Armendariz | Vattenfall | Active Low Voltage Networks |
2012-09 | IT5 PhD |
Matus Korman | Ellevio | Cyber security for future power system operation |
2012-09 | SP1 PhD |
Mahir Sarfati | Svenska kraftnät | Dynamic zonal pricing |
2012-09 | ML5 PhD |
David Ariza | ABB | Physics of the dielectric failure mechanism of new materials engineered for liquid and liquid/solid insulation systems |
2012-09 | ML3 PostDoc |
Fritjof Nilsson | ABB | High voltage insulation materials based on functional polymer nanocomposites – design and implementation of the computational tool‐box |
2011-12 | ST3 PhD |
Jose Perez-Loya | Vattenfall | Improved functionality for hydropower storage stations |
2011-12 | ST2 PhD |
Henrik Olsson | ETC Battery and FuelCells | All polymer based battery |
2011-12 | ST1 PhD |
Christoffer Karlsson | FoV Fabrics | Sustainable and upscalable electrode materials for environmentally friendly batteries |
2011-12 | ML2 PhD |
Fang Mao | ABB | Thin film technology and functional surfaces for the smart grid |
2011-12 | ML1 PhD |
Martin Wåhlander | ABB | High voltage insulation materials based on functional polymer nanocomposites – synthesis of nanocomposite master batches |
2011-12 | IT1 PhD |
Claes Sandels | Vattenfall | Market models for smartgrid implementation |
2011-12 | CP9 PhD |
Deepak Elamalayil Soman | Seabased | Development of multilevel power converter system with smart field-programmable control suitable for wave energy conversion |
2011-12 | CP4 PhD |
Venkatesh Doddapaneni | ABB | Physics, chemistry and effects of ablation (outgassing) of polymers used in electrical switchgear |
2011-12 | CP3 PhD |
Ara Bissal | ABB | Development of ultra-fast actuators |
2011-12 | CP2 PhD |
Jesper Magnusson | ABB | Hybrid switch consisting of a mechanical device and power electronics |
2011-12 | CP1 PhD |
Roya Nikjoo | ABB | On-line diagnostics of high voltage power components by utilising naturally occurring transients |
2011-12 | CP10 PhD |
Antoine Baudoin | Seabased | Cooling strategies for submerged and controllable power device |
Page started: 2012-12-05
Last change: 2024-08-22