Topics to be covered in the course:
- Brief introduction to conventional lenses
- Graded-index lenses
- Higher symmetries for lenses
- Optically transformed lenses
- Reflective lenses
- Geodesic lenses and their applications
- Ray tracing for the analysis of dielectric and geodesic lenses
- Lens antennas for 5G/6G communications
- Lens antennas for satellite communications
- Lens antennas for defence 

Please bring a laptop to the course, as there will be four lab sessions held during the course which require the use of one.

An exam willl also be held on Friday  the 29th of April. 

The lecture schedule is still under development, and will be uploaded when finalised.

Course Instructors

Prof. Oscar Quevedo-Teruel

Prof. Francisco Mesa
Universidad de Sevilla

Dr. Astrid Algaba-Brazalez

Prof. Zvonimir Sipus
University of Zagreb